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Welcome to our Community Support Services

Following the success of our outreach project based at Bilton Hall in South Tyneside, we are pleased to announce that NE1 Counselling is now a registered Community Interest Company.

Supporting You

The UK is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Over 2 million people in the UK are accessing mental health services (Mind, March 2024). Demand is so high, therefore people are waiting months for mental health support and this can be at a significant cost. NE1 Counselling CIC believe that mental health support should be available to all those who require it.

One-to-One Counselling Sessions

The funding we received from First Port's Boost Fund has allowed us to provide almost 100 fully-subsidised counselling sessions in South Tyneside. Our aim is to extend our subsidised provision further by bidding for additional funding opportunities. We will keep you posted via our News page.


We provide a number of reduced cost sessions (subject to availability). Please contact us for more information.

Group Support

In order to help more people in the community, we will be running bespoke mental health support groups. Sessions will include the opportunity to book a one-to-one mental health check-in with one of our counsellors. Members of the groups will choose the focus of each session to maximise personal benefit. The aim of group support is to empower, create resilience and foster a supportive community. 

For further information, including venue and timings, please see our news page.

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